Being at this event gave me a fresh burst of energy and motivated me to continue to try to do everything I can in order to tell the story of the CIA operation in the Congo, so at least we can shed some light on a very complicated piece of US and Congolese history, which caused the death of countless foreign nationals, as well as thousands of Congolese people. Not to mention the collateral damage to the families of all of those involved.
As many of you know, we have finished the filming portion of our documentary "A Secret Legacy," and in a couple of months we will be rolling out a crowd funding campaign on social media in order to raise the funds to pay for the editing of our film.
You can help! To Join our mailing list email [email protected] , Join our Facebook page at : https://www.facebook.com/asecretlegacy/
Thanks for listening, and your constant support:
Sandra Alvarez- Smith (Director, A Secret Legacy)