“We signed what was called a secrecy oath with the CIA, in which for 30 years we were not allowed to discuss or reveal any of the dealings on how this whole operation came about or what we did there. And for 30 years I never talked to anybody about it.” - Reginaldo Blanco, Cuban Exile Pilot

At the height of the Cold War, the CIA orchestrated a top-secret battle deep inside Africa’s Congo. Unbeknownst to the American public, the CIA contracted an elite group of Cuban-exiles to carry out these clandestine operations. Today, the details on the Congo operation remain classified by the CIA.
"A Secret Legacy" is a documentary in production that tells the personal journey of Frank Alvarez, a 61-year-old Cuban immigrant, on a quest to find out the truth about his deceased father, Panchito, who was one of the CIA-hired veterans.
“In war, truth is the first casualty.”- Aeschylus Greek tragic dramatist (525 BC - 456 BC)

As the film progresses, we will meet the few remaining Cuban exiles, who will share their stories about their experiences in the Congo. The veterans will tell their mysterious and compelling tales of cannibalism, covert CIA operations, plane crashes, rebels, Che Guevara and his Cuban guerrillas, the rescue of Evangelical missionaries, and the Simba warriors and their witch-doctors.
But will Frank's quest unravel a larger story about the United States' involvement in foreign interventions that could have implications for millions?
But will Frank's quest unravel a larger story about the United States' involvement in foreign interventions that could have implications for millions?
What is the force that drives us to connect with something greater than our individual lives?
What is awakened within us when we discover the legacy of our forefathers?

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